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Kid Kreator™ for your mini-creatives

Designer Parentals; take a look at our kidwear available for tiny humans to toddlers. Also pick-up the "I Have Something Extra"[Children's Book]


This short video is a tenet, a narrative of what the GIAD™ project is as told by project creator, Angel A. Acevedo in collaboration with Pando Films.


  • The power of creation is a transformative act of faith instilled in us by our Creator. It is an inherent part of who we are as humans, embedded in our DNA and waiting to be explored.

  • Our faith guides us, transforming design challenges into opportunities. We trust in that superpower to set foundations and shape a better future and inspire positive change.

  • We cultivate an environment where daring ideas flourish. We champion individuals to embrace their innate creative potential and express their creativity without reservation.

  • Our enthusiasm and dedication infuse our work with energy and purpose. Passion drives us to create with intention and to deliver products that resonate deeply with our customers.

  • We prioritize the user experiences and cultivate a company culture of empathy, support, and collaboration. Our commitment to people drives our decisions.

  • We cherish our community, fostering connections and creating a space where individuals feel valued, supported, and inspired to make beautiful things.

  • We embrace continuous improvement and growth, prioritizing action and iteration over the pursuit of flawless outcomes, recognizing that progress is the key to innovation and success.

God is a designer®

A project inspired by creation.

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